
Our focus

We aim at developing sustainable alternative for assessing energy and water needs in emergency situations.
Jenin Charitable Hospital Gaza

We designed and installed a modular plant on the Jenin Charitable Hospital in Gaza. Prior to the installation of the plant the hospital could only work 4 hours a day. Now thanks to the first modulus of the Sunshine4Palestine plant, the hospital has 17 hours of operativity, completely off grid. This is the first hospital in Gaza being completely independent on the electric network.

Tree of Light

This project is aimed at the street illumination in the refugee camps. We propose the installation of photovoltaic trees, and to build a system of LED lamps to illuminate the public areas.

Water from Air

Getting water from air is possible by collecting the humidity from the air. Such a solution is viable either via self-made systems for small families of can provide water for buildings with more complex machines that can be completely powered with renewable energies.

Sustainable Water

When a large amount of water is needed, desalination becomes an important tool. We here propose to use innovative technologies as graphene membranes, blue energy, to produce desalination plants that are powered with renewable energy sources and completely off-grid.

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About US

As similarly minded people, we have founded a non-profit association named Sunshine4Palestine, with the aim of applying new technologies and renewable energy sources to provide clean and drinkable water and energy where needed
The Photovoltaic way and Sustainable Water Sources

Having access to an energy source and to enough drinkable water are two ineluctable rights that all human beings should have access to. Recent technological advancements are allowing more and more the usage of renewable energy sources as solar and wind power. When energy is not accessible, off grid systems might be the answer. Smaller scale and distribution on the territory do the rest.

  • Sustainability
  • Photovoltaic
  • Wind
  • Sustainable Water

Our Team

Sushine4Palestine is an NGO, based in England and Wales (registration number 1152334) founded in January 2013. It has then been registered in Palestine and in Italy.
C.E.O. Project Leader, Head of the UK and of the Italian Branch
Dr. Barbara Capone is a theoretical physicist. She is a researcher at the university of Vienna, with an APART fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In January 2013 she co-founded Sunshine4Palestine.
Project Manager, Head of the Palestinian Branch
Eng. Haitham Ghanem has many years of management experience, most recently in public works and housing in Gaza. Over the years he has been project manager of several projects with other NGO’s. Co-founder of Sunshine4Palestine
Project Coordinator
Dr. Ivan Coluzza is a University Assistants in the Faculty of Physics, at the University of Vienna. He is administering a domestic solar plant in Italy. Co-founder of Sunshine4Palestine
Administrator and Treasurer
Eng. Clive Bower is an Electronics Development Engineer. He has been company director, and he has recent experience in the installation of two PV systems in the UK. Co-founder of Sunshine4Palestine
Press Agent
Journalist since 2008, she took part in the editorial staff of the local tv “Rete Oro”, She managed the press office of the various entities, institutional or otherwise, including the City of Rome (Office of Intercultural Policies).
Technical Consultant
Dr. Peter Van Oostrum is a University Assistants in the BiMat-DNBT-BOKU University in Vienna. Together with Dr. Emanuela Bianchi he is in charge of the Water from Air projects
Technical Consultant
Dr. Emanuela Bianchi is a Elise Richter FWF Senior Postdoc in the Physics department of the Technical University of Vienna. Together with Dr. Peter van Oostrum, she is in charge of the water from air projects
Fundraising and Publicity
Dr. Marina Manca has a MA degree in Strategic Marketing and several years experience in the Communications and PR industry
Austria PR
Eng. Paolo Federico is a research assistant at the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, at the Vienna Institute of Technology.
Humanitarian Impact
Dr. Patrizia Cecconi, 20 years of teaching experience, since 2000 focused her attention on the relation between men and environment. She is the emeritus president of the Italian friends of the Palestinian Red Crescent. She is now CEO of the Italian association Oltre il Mare
Legal Consultant
Avv. Tatiana Giovanetti is a lawyer and has her own studio in Viladossola
Accountant Italy
Gianpaolo Concari is a chartered accountant expert in non profit organization. He works in Italy and publishes articles for the magazine Vita and for the blog Cooking and travels are his hobbies.


Over the years we had the chance of having actors, intellectuals, writers supporting our work and playing and acting for our events

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